Monday, September 19, 2011

Zeekler and Zeek Rewards - Internet advice: Have you ever fallen prey to 'make free money o...

Zeekler and Zeek Rewards - Internat advice:

Have you ever fallen prey to 'make free money o...
: Have you ever fallen prey to 'make free money online'? I would like to share my experience. There are many programs on the internet that...

Have you ever fallen prey to 'make free money online'? I would like to share my experience.

There are many programs on the internet that claim that it is totally free to join and you can earn a retirement passive income by simply joining them and sharing them with others. Have you been there before? Then continue reading....

I have been lured by many 'make free money online' programs in the past. It is natural for us to be attracted by such programs. Who does not wish to make money online for free.

In one such program I sponsored hundreds of free members who were like me trying to make free money online. Each free member hoped that the others will buy something but it was a spiral of misplaced hopes. No one bought anything from the website we were promoting. As a result none of us made any free online money. I tried the program for over a year and finally gave up.

My personal experience is that you have to put in too much effort with these free opportunities on the internet to make even little money. If you put value on your time then these free programs are not worth joining. In fact you should avoid joining them.

There are no free lunches on the internet. With a free money online program you have to work very hard to make a few dollars. If you value your time then it is not the right approach. The only way you can succeed online is if you treat it as a business and put in a little money in a program that you think has a chance to succeed. The internet still offers the best opportunity to start a business with least amount of capital and risk.

The key to success is to learn marketing and getting website traffic. The best program to learn how to make money online is Chris Farrell. I think he is the best teacher that we have on the internet. I owe my online success to his teachings. It is the best program that I have found for learning and generating traffic. You must take advantage of it if you are serious about making money online. The first step is to have your own website without which you simply cannot succeed.

The second part is to find a stable program that leverages your time and effort and pays you well for your effort and time.

ZeekRewards offers the best rewards that I have found on the internet. You will make money with the program even as a free member but it will be limited. The rewards are huge even if you purchase only a few bids. Start as a free member or with very little money to understand the system. Only upgrade when you are totally comfortable.

In ZeekRewards there is no need to sponsor anyone and you will still make decent money just by placing one advertisement which takes less than 5 minutes of your time. Your business will grow very rapidly as soon as you start sponsoring or introducing others to the business. When you understand the program you will learn that there is built in compulsion to upgrade as you will be leaving huge amounts of money on the table if you do not upgrade. You will make money because everyone you share the opportunity with will upgrade. This is the beauty of the system.

I have been with Zeekrewards for less than 2 weeks and already earned over $1000. Initially I started with very small amount of money just to try out the system but soon realized that this is huge and upgraded immediately and bought more bids. I bought maximum of 10,000 bids allowed by the company. Once you have 25,000 bids ($25,000) you can start earning $500 per week by withdrawing 20% of the bids earned in the retail profit sharing pool and also allowing the remaining 80% to grow indefinitely. This is an amazing business system designed by a genius.

You should sign up as a free member just to understand the system. The system will force you to upgrade and buy bids once you understand how share of the retail profit share can increase your wealth on daily basis. This will also be true for the people you sponsor or introduce to the system. Only when you have paying members in a program will you make any money. Otherwise it is waste of your time.

Make free money online is a myth which clever internet marketers promote so that you can join and waste your time and effort in promoting their websites. Join an online business like Zeek Rewards that pays you money and leverages your effort.

ZeekRewards is a program that offers you the highest retail profit sharing program on the internet. There is no sponsorship or qualification requirement.

You can start earning $250 per day by simply placing one advertisement every day that takes less than 5 minutes of your time each day. For a comprehensive review of ZeekRewards program visit

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